Our Physiotherapists have a strong interest in the prevention, management and treatment of work-related injuries. Our goal is to help patients return to work by managing work-related injuries in a way that minimises lost time and maximises productivity and by educating workers and managers on injury prevention.
Our clinic provides Onsite Physiotherapy services in Colac at AKD. We provide a combination of injury management and proactive preventative strategies and activities to address the causes of injuries and try to eliminate them.

Role of physiotherapy
In some workplaces physiotherapists are employed to treat people and manage injuries on-site while other physiotherapists in private practice may consult with employers and doctors to treat and manage injuries on an individual basis.
Assessment of the worker’s injury is ideally carried out in conjunction with workplace assessment, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the worker, their work and working environment. The information gained by the physiotherapist can be used to assist with issuing WorkCover certificates by establishing the demands of the job relative to the capabilities of the worker and ensuring the best possible match.
- Our Physiotherapists will use various techniques to help your company prevent workplace injury such as:
- Ergonomic assessment and recommendations for job/workplace modification.
- Advice on work practices which can include advice regarding work/rest cycles, stretches and exercises to be performed before and during work, job rotation and sequencing of tasks.
- Risk Analysis based on the current Code of Practice.
- Manual Handling training and advice.
- Education and training in areas such as working posture, stretching and flexibility exercises.
Benefits of physiotherapy
Our Physiotherapists have a special interest in ergonomics and occupational health and are able to combine their knowledge of musculoskeletal biomechanics, ergonomics and the injury process to assess the worker and the workplace.
They can then identify risk factors, which may contribute to or exacerbate a medical condition and develop appropriate, effective treatment.
Early and effective physiotherapy treatment can help to keep the employee at work and minimise the personal and financial cost of time off work.
Keeping the employee at work in an appropriate job enhances recovery, reduces the likelihood of disability following injury and maintains morale and productivity.

Learn more about our Workplace Safety Assessments
If you would like to discuss how we could enhance the Occupational Health and Safety Systems in your business please call the clinic on 52322400 or email [email protected]