Osgood Schlatters Disease

In this blog you can learn about what pain below the patella or "Knee Cap" can be caused by. In adolescents during their growth spurt the large quadriceps tendon can become overloaded at the point that it attaches to the tibia. At this point there is a growth plate...
Crunches – are they a good exercise?

Crunches – are they a good exercise?

It’s amazing how many women we see looking to tone their stomachs with sit ups but not getting the results they want. It’s an exercise that nearly everyone has tried at some point and a very common gym exercise. However, crunches are not all they are cracked up to be,...
Cherise Serves Up Her Tennis Tips

Cherise Serves Up Her Tennis Tips

Whilst some were watching Nick Kyrgios’ antics, Cherise was observing the subtle changes in the game and how it impacts the athlete’s bodies. Cherise fell in love with Tennis when she first picked up a racquet at the age of 6. She spent countless hours at both the...
Avoid a Christmas blowout

Avoid a Christmas blowout

Don’t over indulge on Christmas Day (only one second helping!) It’s Ok to have a treat on Christmas day, but return to your normal diet as soon as possible  Drink 2L of water each day Limit your alcohol intake and have some alcohol free days  Take a couple of...