Ankle Sprain? Train you Brain!

Ankle Sprain? Train you Brain!

Did you know that your ankle is the most weight bearing joint in your body? When you couple its unstable nature with the vigorous activity it’s required to perform, it’s no surprise that ankle sprains account for nearly 20% of all sporting injuries! How does it...
Swimmers Shoulder: A PAIN IN THE CUFF!

Swimmers Shoulder: A PAIN IN THE CUFF!

Winter has finally come to an end, the days are getting longer and weather is getting warmer (thank goodness!). For some this means starting preparation for basketball and cricket season, but for others it’s time to get back into the water! Swimming, surfing,...

Osgood Schlatters Disease

In this blog you can learn about what pain below the patella or "Knee Cap" can be caused by. In adolescents during their growth spurt the large quadriceps tendon can become overloaded at the point that it attaches to the tibia. At this point there is a growth plate...
Crunches – are they a good exercise?

Crunches – are they a good exercise?

It’s amazing how many women we see looking to tone their stomachs with sit ups but not getting the results they want. It’s an exercise that nearly everyone has tried at some point and a very common gym exercise. However, crunches are not all they are cracked up to be,...