Nord Board

Our Clinic has recently invested in some cutting edge technology to help assess Hamstring strength. We are one of the first Physiotherapy Clinics in the Country to use the Nordbord with all others being used at the Elite AFL, NRL and Institutes of Sport

The NORDBORD is a computerised assessment tool that measures the force that athletes can generate with their hamstrings and this information can be used to determine risk of re-injury or if the athlete is ready to return to play. We have also been able to use it as a predictor of injury and can help prevent injury by determining those in the AT RISK category.

We can then tailor a strengthening program until athletes are strong enough to be in the LOW RISK category. The Nordbord can be used as a strengthening tool in your rehabilitation as well as an assessment tool.

If you have been troubled by hamstring strains that have cost you games and limited your ability to perform at your best you need to get on the NORDBORD!

Our Nordbord is mobile so we are able to do mass screenings at sporting clubs or individuals can come into the clinic for their testing.

Who is it Ideal For?

  • Chronic Hamstring Injuries
  • Acute Hamstring Injury
  • Post Op ACL reconstruction or Knee Surgeries
  • Knee Pain
  • Footballers
  • Netballers
  • Basketballers

Contact Us

Phone 03 5232 2400

Fax 03 5231 5347

Email [email protected]

26 Miller St
Colac, VIC 3250

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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