Should Office Workers Have a Regular Massage?

Should Office Workers Have a Regular Massage?

Should office workers in Colac have a regular massage? People often don’t realise that sitting at a desk for long periods of time is actually putting a large strain on your muscles. Office work can have a large impact on your physical and mental health. At the Corio...
How do I manage Stress Urinary Incontinence

How do I manage Stress Urinary Incontinence

By Sonam Jethwa – Physiotherapist with a Special Interest in Women’s Health.   In this post Colac Physiotherapist Sonam Jethwa will inform you about how physiotherapy and exercise can help people manage Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Watch the you...
How do I treat My Achilles Injury?

How do I treat My Achilles Injury?

How do I treat my Achilles pain? Grant Brauer – Physiotherapist In his blog Colac Physiotherapist Grant Brauer will explain the causes and treatment options for people suffering from Achilles Tendon conditions or injuries. Achilles tendon pain is a very common injury...
The Benefits of Dry Needling

The Benefits of Dry Needling

Benefits of Dry Needling By Emelye Glennen MYOTHERAPIST Click Here to learn more about Emelye Glennan What is Dry Needling? There are several types of dry needling that are used to help relieve muscular pain as well as other soft tissue techniques. It is effective in...
Why Choose Remedial Massage?

Why Choose Remedial Massage?

Why choose Remedial Massage?   Firstly, what is Remedial Massage? Remedial Massage Therapist Amy Lynch from Colac describes  Remedial Massage as the systematic assessment and treatment of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues of the body to...